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Zym-Tec Construction Technology 2024 2_p

Zym-Tec™ Technology

Our Zym-Tec™ enzyme technology transforms local soil into construction materials through a natural molecular-level process.

Zym-Tec™ is a bio-enzymatic soil stabilizer made from natural fermentation using sugar cane and organic extracts. It's water-soluble, biodegradable, and bacteria-resistant while remaining completely non-toxic and non-corrosive.

This eco-friendly enzyme creates a chemical catalytic reaction that accelerates the breaking down of the organic material and alters soil composition through enhanced cationic bonding. This catalytic reaction creates a dense, semi-rigid monolithic structure that enables a thinner yet stronger pavement layer. 

The process works by modifying the soil's natural properties, as the cationic surfactant bonds with soil minerals to create a more stable, moisture-resistant structure.

The Zym-Tec™ enzyme mixes directly with soil on-site, initiating a molecular transformation that creates a semi-rigid monolithic structure. The treated material can be used immediately, requiring only standard construction equipment like graders and compactors.

Zym-Tec™ Process


Our Zym-Tec™ technology revolutionizes road construction, road rehabilitationbuilding materials production such as pipe manufacturing and brick making. The process enables immediate use after application and creates stronger, more durable products compared to traditional methods.

Zym-Tec™ Applications

Zym-Tec™ Competitive Advantages

The application of Zym-Tec™ technology forms the foundation for any type of road, across all soil conditions, adhering to all international standards and requirements.

The company seamlessly integrates planning and execution in our projects, ensuring alignment with strategic goals and optimal utilization of resources.

Project Planning & Execution

Leveraging advanced technology with a diverse range of enzymes, our solution can be utilized across all soil types. Once stabilized, roads are immediately ready for use

Adaptable to All Soil Types

Site disruption is minimized as preparation work primarily consists of soil tests, conducted in accordance with Zym-Tec's specific guidelines

Short Preparation Time

Keeps internal structure temperature at 17-18°C year round. Saving Energy costs

High Insulation

Adhering to Zym-Tec’s guidelines ensures minimal maintenance for road operations. With over 16 years of experience in the technology, Zym-Tec has yet to require road maintenance on any of its projects.

Low Maintenance Required

The process is easy to manage, requiring only one supervisor trained by Zym-Tec to become familiar with the procedures

Moderate Personnel Requirement

Standard oad equipment and tools such as graders, presses, water tankrers, etc., are sufficient to complete the process

No Special Equipment Needed

Zym-Tec's green approach utilizes natural enzymes, leaving no negative environmental impact.

No need for External Raw Materials

Zym-Tec's environmentally friendly approach uses natural enzymes, leaving no negative environmental impact.

In contrast to conventional methods, it saves approximately 100% of the raw materials usually required, affirming its commitment to sustainability

Green Technology

Huge Saving

Zym-Tec™ technology is eco-friendly, utilizing local soil and creating recyclable components.

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